Beef chuck steak

Chuck steak is a beef cut and part of the sub-prime cut known as the chuck. The typical chuck steak is rectangular, about 2.5 cm thick and has parts of the shoulder bones.

Cooking and Eating Characteristics: Chuck steak has a rich, delicious flavour, making it a classic dish for slow cooking. The meat has a good amount of fat, which provides it with flavour. When cooked properly, the result is a tender dish that’s rich in flavour. It’s often used in pot roasts, stews, and casseroles, where it’s cooked in liquid to tenderise the meat.

Names in Other Countries: It’s commonly called “chuck steak” or “braising steak” in Australia. In the UK, it’s known as “braising steak”. In the US, it’s often called “pot roast”.

Nutritional Value: Chuck steak is high in protein and iron but also high in fat. An 85-gram serving of chuck roast has roughly 200 calories, 22 grams of protein, and 13 grams of fat. However, the exact nutritional value can vary based on the specific cut and how it’s prepared.

Economical Aspect: Chuck steak is considered an economical cut of beef. It’s less expensive than many other cuts because it’s not as tender. However, it can become tender and flavourful with the right cooking method. This makes it a popular choice for families and individuals on a budget. It’s also versatile and can be used in various dishes, from stews to roasts, further adding to its economic value.



  • Slow cooker
  • Frypan


  1. Unwrap the beef.
  2. Dice the beef with a knife.
  3. Transfer the meat to the slow cooker.
  4. Add the meat broth.
  5. Season with salt.
  6. Cook for 8 hours.
  7. Transfer the meat from the slow cooker to a bowl.
  8. The meat can be covered and then refrigerated.
  9. Sieve the cooking liquor, store it in a bowl, and refrigerate the broth.

Meal preparation

  1. Put a portion of meat into a frypan with a few tablespoons of water.
  2. Turn on the heat and bring the water to a simmer.
  3. Press gently on the meat with a wooden spoon to separate the meat fibres.
  4. Turn off the heat, add a dash of cream, and stir through the cream.
  5. Transfer the meat to a bowl.
  6. Melt some butter in the frypan and fry an egg gently.
  7. Place the egg on the meat.
  8. Pierce the yolk sac and allow the yolk to ooze over the meat to create a sauce.
  9. Season with some flaky salt.


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4 responses to “Beef chuck steak”

  1. Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella Avatar

    Gary that looks delicious! I love using chuck steak-I actually love all slow cooked cuts really. Did you start a new blog? 🙂


  2. Gary Avatar

    Hi Lorraine,
    I’m coming around to enjoying chuck steak more and more.
    I’ve hibernated Yummy Lummy while I try to transfer the domain and move from self hosting back to
    In the mean time I’ve got Random Yummy here for short sharp posts with just a recipe and none of the palaver that I carry on with at Yummy Lummy.


  3. Jeff the Chef Avatar

    Love the new look! I never thought about preparing chuck in this way, but I think I’d love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gary Avatar

    Thanks Jeff


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I’m Gary

Welcome to Random Yummy, my corner of the internet dedicated to what I cook and eat.