Tinned corned beef

I’ve been eating tinned corned beef since the early 1970s.

On some Saturday afternoons, Dad would sauté onions and curry powder and then stir in a tin of corned beef.

At high school I swam competitively and each morning after training I had a cheese and tinned corned beef toasted sandwich.

More recently when I mention I like eating tinned corned beef, people are horrified that I like tinned meat.

I usually empty a tin into a frypan and then add some water.

I put the frypan on a hob and turn on the heat. Once the water is boiling, I turned down the heat and let the water simmer. The water separates the meat and stops it from clumping. This is the secret to a smooth consistency.

I like to shave Parmesan on the corned beef.

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I’m Gary

Welcome to Random Yummy, my corner of the internet dedicated to what I cook and eat.